Reward and Recognition

Ron Foust Honored For Sustainability

The banner showing Ron and his well-known bike.

Ron Foust (IT F&A) has been honored for his outstanding contribution in the area of sustainability. The Emory Office of Sustainability Initiatives created a banner with Ron's photo beside his bicycle, which he has used to get to work for years. You can see the banner beside the Goizueta Business School, on Fishburne Drive, about 50 feet off Clifton Road.

Here are a few ways Ron incorporated a sustainable lifestyle into his work life.

His first job location on campus was two blocks from home. Ron walked to work for the first 17 years and walked home for lunch for more exercise. When his job location was moved to 1762 Clifton, he began bicycling to work and has done so for the past four years, including the trip home for lunch.

He served on an organizing committee for a community garden in the park behind his house, encouraging neighbors to begin to grow their own vegetables. By a stroke of coincidence, when trees blew down on campus recently, Emory was able to deposit two truck loads of chips at the garden site for mulching the paths between the garden plots. The committee also obtained compost from the company that composts the food scraps from the Emory food courts.

Ron actively promotes alternative transportation initiatives at Emory, both in the service of various committees and via communications with Emory decision makers. In the first few years at Emory, Ron lobbied for free MARTA passes for Emory employees to cut down on the vehicle traffic to campus and the need for more parking decks. It wasn't long before it came to be.

Angela Ford Recognized

Angela Ford and her effervescent smile!

Emory Hospital patient Donna Stidwell called to thank Angela Ford (Call Center) for going above and beyond when she needed help.

Ms. Stidwell contacted the Call Center saying that she had just had surgery, and was in an unexpected amount of pain. Angela, upon learning that the resident on duty was unaware of Ms. Stidwell's special needs, steadfastly helped contact the patient's primary physician, Dr. Costarides (Ophthalmology).

Ms. Stidwell wanted to thank Angela for recognizing that she was in trouble and for getting her the help she needed.

Angela's actions represent the extra effort that is often needed to perform quality Call Center assistance!

Service Desk Kudos

Athan Gillette taking a break at the Service Desk.

Ms. Gregory,

I asked for your email address so that I could get in touch with your department after an exceptional service experience with Mr. Athan Gillette (Call Center, Service Desk). He cleared up an email issue that had been plaguing me for many months, simply and effectively.

Please give him my thanks and profound appreciation for supporting Emory with such professional skill as to make the other institutions I work at look clumsy and ineffective.

Mari Kim, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor, Pacific Lutheran University